Saturday, December 28, 2013

Zebra painting is completed; plus two requested painting paintings of trains

A dear friend of mine has a three year old son who just loves trains. She requested that my sister and I make some paintings for her to put in his room of trains. (I have a twin sister who also is an artist). So to complete this project my sister and I decided to do something we never have done before expect when we do street painting... we worked on both pieces together, taking turns adding, adjusting, etc. both paintings. As an artist this is not an easy thing to do. Relinquishing control of your piece to another person to see them make changes.. and sometime changes you may not agree with. It was a fun process; luckily. We worked well together and encouraged each other to make adjustments and would give each other feedback. We are truly happy with the outcome and so was our friend who requested them.